CPM in Construction Management 8th Edition
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CPM in Construction Management
8th Edition

James J. O'Brien
Fredric L. Plotnick

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Construction CPM Conference

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Chapter 2.0 page 21 refers to Figure 2.1.1. This should refer to Figure 2.5.1 where the textual material is restated and expanded. [Reported 10mar16]

The following errata reported by Doug Lollar of Lollar Engineering [Reported 10sep18]

Chapter 2.9 page 49 please delete second paragraph which repeats wording of first paragraph

Chapter 2.10 page 50 figure 2.10.1 note top line of diagram first black node may be referenced as "1005k01" and second as "1035k01". The fourth line black node may be removed as not necessary.

Chapter 2.10 page 50 third paragraph should read:
... Thus, in Figure 2.10.1, the restraint from Activity 1005 to 1015 has the ID of “1005j–1015i,” from ...

Chapter 4.5 page 75 paragraph 2 replace reference to Figure 2.5.2 instead use 2.5.4

Chapter 4.6 page 96 Table 4.6.6 refers to Contract Package 6 (not 1)

Chapter 4.6 page 83 Table 4.6.2 Activity ID 135 Pr3eceding Restraints and rationale should read
120 FS0 and 125 SS3 to represent 135 to start 3 days after 125 reports actual start. Because the duration of 125 plus 135 would create a new critical path and extend project length, it is decided to stagger the two docks by 3 days but not permit a disruption of 125 to further delay the start of 135. Thus we measure 3 days of time and will start 135 even if 125 has not progressed by 3 days (bringing in an additional crew if necessary).

Chapter 6.4 page 136: Condition 1. please replace the "j" in circle to an "i" in circle

Chapter 9.4 page 207 paragraph at bottom of page should read:
the duration of work item 110 may be concurrent with work item 100. The estimated quantity of work item 110 is 150 yd3 so work item 100 may start after approximately 33 percent of the excavation operation has been done ...

Chapter 9.4 page 208 Figure 9.4.1 please add a lag of "D 0.5" between "Excavate grade beams" and "Dril piers" to indicate a one half day duration

Chapter 10.2 page 213 paragraph 3 should read:
Nor is the simple use of “duration between activities” or “lag” the only means to show a partial overlap of activities. Referring back to Figure 9.4.1, this figure suggests a restraint based upon measured units performed or installed, such as between Activity 100 and 110 or 520 and 530, which call for the second activity to start after 0.50 yd3 of excavation and 0.10 ft2 of clay tile are respectively complete. ...

Chapter 10.2 page 216 figure 10.2.5 arrow from activity C to D should go to very end of D (not one day earlier)

.. end of corrections noted by Doug Lollar of Lollar Engineering

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This eighth edition of CPM in Construction Management will help you
advance your construction projects with CPM and this fully updated guide:

Plan, schedule, and manage construction projects using the critical path method (CPM) and the practical information contained in this thoroughly revised book. Written by two experienced engineers and authors, CPM in Construction Management, Eighth Edition, explains the evolution of CPM and fully covers the latest techniques, standards, and tools. The “John Doe” case study is used throughout to illustrate important functions, including updating, cost control, resource planning, and delay evaluation. New guidelines are provided for Oracle, Deltek, Microsoft, and other software.

This updated, hands-on guide shows how CPM

  • Works—and how to make it work for you

  • Serves as the analytical tool of choice for evaluation, negotiation, resolution,
    and/or litigation of construction claims

  • Cuts costs in a one-person operation or the most complex multinational enterprise

  • Helps you stay on top of every aspect of complicated projects

  • Saves big money in delay avoidance, accurate cost predictions, and claims reductions

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